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411 University St, Seattle, USA

+1 -800-456-478-23

Antipiracy of Online Content

How safe do you think your content is online? The moment you produce a digital content, it’s like sending out an open invitation to pirates. The only way out of this is to level up your anti-piracy game! Having a strong techno-legal team to safeguard your content by instantly taking down all pirated versions of it from anywhere on the internet is the future – Block X is the future. We are your personal content guardians, on duty 24/7.

Illegally reproducing or sharing copyrighted material without permission is a crime – It could be anything from music, movies, software, books, and other creative works. Why wait for pirates to strike? With Block X’s advanced Detection Technology, AI, Automation and digital fingerprint-based real-time takedowns, we ensure your creativity and its returns remain only with you.

Why Block X to Safeguard your Content Piracy?

  • Deep web monitoring and AI based content identification
  • Google TCRP Partner with access to takedown tools
  • Instant takedowns from all major platforms
  • Expertise in taking down contents hosted offshore
  • Real-time analysis and reporting

Google’s TCRP Partner: How is it different?

Block X is one among the top 0.4% entities worldwide to be Google’s TCRP Partner and this has been achieved by a proven track record of submitting accurate notices and the dedication of our team along with the excellence of our tools have taken us there. Today, we have a record of an impressive 91% acceptance rate by Google. TCRP certification opens up a realm for anti-piracy companies when it comes to the access to limited tools, priority takedowns, bulk link submissions etc.

Our Takedown Approach

At Block X, we work on a 360 degree approach on all pirated content takedowns to protect the rights of content creators and copyright holders.

Our 360-degree strategy begins with thorough research and identification of pirated content across various online platforms.

Once identified, we conduct detailed audit  on the platforms underlying infrastructures.

Once the audited data are ready, our enforcement team does their magic to remove the infringing materials swiftly!

Our approach doesn’t stop with takedowns. Our team tracks the networks behind the illicit distribution of copyrighted material with tools that trace the origins of pirated content and identify the individuals or groups responsible for its dissemination because online piracy is so much interconnected. We collaborate closely with law enforcement agencies to handover the details of pirates, thereby bringing down the source of piracy to zero.

Up Your Anti-Piracy Game!

Contact us for more details.